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PROJECTS | Office Buildings |Siemens Head Offices Relocation

Title: Siemens Head Offices Relocation

Client: Siemens Hellas S.A.

Year: 2010

Size: 5.500 sq.m.

Description: ARIS was assigned with the execution of the architectural, structural and electromechanical study, as well as the on-site supervision, regarding the new Head Offices of Siemens S.A. In our study we included all of our expertise, regarding the work-place environment and the state of the strategic planning approaches e.g. “flexible working places” and “mobile working”. We designed and implemented different work-settings and thus created different “neighborhoods” that promote the company’s community spirit. The pure working stations were designed in an open space concept and we used visual separations and different floorings, in order to designate the different functions and department of the company. Special electromechanical equipment e.g. sound masking systems, were installed with the aim of mitigating the noise impact on the employees and optimizing the work environment conditions. In addition to the above, through our innovative planning approach, we were able to reduce the area needed for the siting of the entire personnel

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